Anna University Chennai 2007 B.A History histry - Question Paper
(Second Year For AY 2003-04 and CY 2004 students only)
OUTLINES OF POLITICAL THEORY Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75
PART A (3 X 5 = 15 marks)
Answer any THREE questions in not exceeding
1 page each.
1. Discuss the nature and scope of political science.
ffrrir JujcbL) LDrpgjiib cSffilanctt
2. Distinguish between State and Government1?
irr#l(I)(5th Fffn-riiajEjSrbguSlsoLGuj e_ehen
GeufpgaaDLDffiffliorr rfiluLS).
3. Examine Austin's theory of Sovereignty.
erouj-edfletr nrDCT)ii3ffiGffiinlurfL-ii|.sn6irlj,iijffi.
4. Review the sources of Law.
5. What are the factors responsible for political change?
(rilujeb t>r(i)(Dfb@u Qurrpuurra OLorbgjeirerr ffiresuflaCTr uurranaj?
PART B (4 x 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions in essay form.
6. Examine the relations between political science and other social sciences.
.=3>l(rluJ0>ffrrn- eSlujguath LSlnjfffip
(filsliUGbi5(0J>i5(3jL6lDL,uS)a) s_sTTerr 0tn_(rq<s6anir
7. What is State*? Explain its elements.
7 CTCTiug) lurgi? sem aiLgaaneiT efilemsfg.
8. Describe the relations between state and other human organisations.
9irr#tjD@Lb iSlpLoaiflas r$peu6CTra(6f5i5{gL5lffl?>t_tiSl6b a-errerr
Qin_rrL|aoaT aSl&jrfl,
9. Write kn essay on the kinds of Sovereignty.
cnjDWiiiiuSlaii uaf)a5anTu uii);l sit
10. Why do we obey state? Explain the kinds of obligation.
piTih refT pi_Cj6uswT(5iih? fsi_eni
s_6tR(rn'ffi)u5lCTr euensissnerT Sleuifl.
11. Describe various kinds of equality and their importance.
<FL0gjaig$lair sueiOffiffiCTiefrqii) suipleii
(ipftlujgjGuanjEiLiLb eSleuifl.
12. Discuss the essential requisites for the success of democracy.
L&6rnrLL<lu5lr QojjirfilaQjj CaoeuiuirQir
QfTtSIiijeRLiLifr efiteurl.
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