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Anna University Chennai 2008 B.A GE1352 Communications skills Laboratory - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 February 2013 02:25Web
The scientific study of these fascinating creatures is called myrmecology. Ants are social insects. They inhabit colonies called nests, and carry out complicated tasks. They clean, groom, and feed every other. Just like people — especially those who are in power — favor relatives and friends, ants are known to be nepotistic too.
As social creatures, ants need to identify their own nest mates from non-nest mates. They do this by recognizing the odor that emanates from their nest mates, which is various from that provided off by non-nest mates.
Ants have hierarchies comprising forager ants, workers, and queens — every has a well-defined role to play in the colony. They strictly adhere to their social structure.]
Listen to the passage and ans the question/s by clicking on the improper option:
1. According to the passage, ants can carry objects up to
• 50 times their weight.
• 100 times their weight.
• 1,000 times their weight.
2. To emphasize the ant’s capability of carrying loads, the author of this passage provide an analogy of a
• slim woman weighing 50 kg, lifting a small car and climbing a hill with it.
• slim woman weighing about 50 kg who
• drives about 15 kilometers and climbs a hill.
• woman who climbs a hill to get a car.
3. The scientific study of ants is called
• Myrmecotology.
• Myrmecology.
• Miermecology.
4. According to the passage, ants recognize their mates by
• their odor.
• their color.
• their size.
5. Ants clean, groom, feed every other, and have been known to show
• communism.
• nepotism.
• culturalism.
6. As social creatures, ants need to identify their own ________ from non-nest

• nest mates
• friends
• neighbors
7. Ants have hierarchies comprising
• workers, nest mates, queens
• forager ants, workers, queens
• queens, servants, leaders
8. They strictly adhere to their
• social responsibility
• social structure
• social accountability
9. The odor of the identical nest mates and non-nest mates is
• unlike
• identical
• alike
10. every ant has a __________ role to play in the colony
• equally important
• well described
• ambiguous

Multiple option (10 statements – choosing best options) – 5marks
The passage is followed by ques. based on its content. After studying a passage, select the best ans to every ques.. ans all ques. subsequent a passage on the basis of what is said or implied in that passage.

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