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Anna University Chennai 2008 B.A GE1352 Communications skills Laboratory - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 February 2013 02:25Web
Listen to the passage and indicate whether the provided statement is actual or False by clicking on the improper choice.
NOTE: Audio can be replayed twice.
1. Study on extremely small – objects smaller than 100 nano meteres is called Nano Science (True/False)
2. Nano science can be used in medical applications (True/False)
3. Combining biological molecules with Nano mechanical components cannot create radically new materials. (True/False)
4. A huge range of applications are possible, based on stronger, lighter or smaller materials, or compounds with unusual optical or electrical properties. (True/False)
5. The properties of materials smaller than 100 nano metres will be not change dramatically. (True/False)
Listen to the passage and indicate whether the provided statement is actual or False by clicking on the improper choice.
NOTE: Audio can be replayed twice.
[AUDIO TRANSCRIPT: The stratosphere the layer of our atmosphere just above the 1 we breathe -- includes a thin layer of ozone. This layer is thicker over the poles than the equator. Ozone protects us from the sun by interacting with light. When ultraviolet light hits oxygen molecules (O2) in the stratosphere, it splits the molecules into 2 atoms of oxygen (O). When this atom encounters a different oxygen molecule, the 2 combine to make ozone (O3). Ultraviolet light also breaks ozone back down into an oxygen molecule and an oxygen atom. ]
6. This stratosphere layer is thicker over the poles than the equator. (True/False) 7. Thin layer ranging from the air we breath and the stratosphere is called Ozone (True/False)
8. Stratosphere when interacts with ultraviolet light it produces Ozone (True/False)
9. UV light combines oxygen molecule and oxygen atom into Ozone. (True/False)
10. Oxygen protects us from direct sunlight (True/False)
o Multiple option (10 statements - Choosing accurate options) – five marks

[AUDIO TRANSCRIPT: Incredible Insects
All of us, at a few time or the other, have paused to look at ants laboriously carrying burdens several times their size. In fact, a few ants carry objects up to 50 times

their weight! What is more, they move these loads over long distances and even climb trees while carrying more than their fair share!
Imagine this: a slim woman weighing 50 kg lifting a small car, carrying it on her back for 15 km and then climbing a hill, still carrying the car! That is the type of load ants carry. Small wonder, that we associate ‘work’ with ants.

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