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Anna University Chennai 2010 A.M.Ae.S.I Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft structures-2 - Question Paper

Saturday, 23 February 2013 02:20Web

Reg. No2 O flT I ! O H

Question Paper Code : D 2415


Fifth Semester Aeronautical Engineering AE 1302 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES - II (Regulation 2004)

Time : Three hours    Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.

PART A (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1.    Define redundancy in a structure. How do you determine the order of redundancy?


2.    What do you understand by unsymmetrical bending?

3.    Define:    \ f

(a) Shear flow    'ip) Shear centre

(c) Centre of twist    (d) ''Elastic axis.

4.    Explain the effect of wall thickness in a beam when it undergoes bending.

5.    Indicate the locations of the shear centres for the following sections :

(a) Channel    (b) Angle with unequal lengths

(c) Open ring    (d) Closed ring.

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6.    Explain the difference between plate column buckling.

7.    What do you understand by tips and 'Bulbs in structural elements?

8.    What is Karmans effective width theory?

9.    Draw a neat sketch of a fuselage structure showing all the structural details. Mention the loads resisted by each of them.

10.    What is a diagonal tension field beam?

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