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Alagappa University 2007 M.Com Accounting and Finance COMPUTERS AND DATA PROCESSING - Question Paper

Thursday, 21 February 2013 09:55Web


Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (5 x eight = 40 marks)
ans any 5 ques..

1.Determine the evolution of computers from the 1st generation period.

2.Explain the different kinds of auxillary storage devices.

3.What is data processing? discuss its different kinds.

4.What is program design? How will you design using flowcharts and top down approach?

5.What is inventory? Write a program for inventory control process.

6.What is payroll processing? Write a program for processing it.

7.Explain online processing control systems.

8.What is decision table? discuss its usage with multiple examples.

PART B — (4 x 15 = 60 marks)
ans any 4 ques..

9.Explain the modes of operation namely Batch processing, Real time processing and Time sharing system.

10.What is extended data processing systems? discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

11.What is Master File and transaction File? Write a program including its process.

12.Describe the production planning and control process in detail.

13.Explain the classification of computers with the latest developments in hardware and software.

14.What is algorithm? How will you describe a issue using algorithm?

15.Explain the examples of specific online application namely
(a)Airline reservation
(b)Railway reservation and
(c)Management of stores.

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