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Alagappa University 2007 M.C.A LAB IX — VISUAL C - Question Paper

Thursday, 21 February 2013 12:10Web

Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
Examiner should choose and provide 1 ques. to every candidate from lot.

1. (a) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC that display a message ‘‘Happy New Year”.
(b) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC to perform all Bitwise Operation.

2. (a) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC that create 2 push button CLEAR and OK on the client area. Buttons should respond to user click over them and display improper message.
(b) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC to perform subsequent
(i) Find the length of a String
(ii) Sort the provided Strings
(iii) Reverse a String.

3. (a) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC to display the factorial of a number.
(b) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC that display the status of CAP LOCK, ENTER, PAGE UP and SHIFT keys.

4. (a) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC to obtain Sum of ODD numbers.
(b) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC to draw the subsequent
(i) Line
(ii) Ellipse
(iii) Rectangle
(iv) Polygon.
Use mouse to draw and fill with color.

5. (a) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC to obtain the avg. of ‘N’ numbers.
(b) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC that creates a list box and display name of course available in Distance Education.

6. (a) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC that display Number of Right Clicks and Numbers of Left Clicks in the Mouse.
(b) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC to fill background of the client area with a bitmap.

7. (a) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC to perform Matrix Addition.
(b) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC to display Text in various Size and in Fonts.

8. (a) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC to display a Marklist.
(b) Write a Visual C++ win32 application program using MFC to display Mouse status in the status bar.

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