Alagappa University 2006 M.B.A System Management (S) International Business - Question Paper
M.B.A. (S) DEGREE EXAMINATION, December 2006.
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (5 x eight = 40 marks)
ans any 5 ques..
1. What is international business? State its advantages.
2. What is multinational corporation? Write its merits.
3. discuss the differences ranging from domestic business and international business.
4. Write a short note on 'SAARC'.
5. discuss the importance of foreign direct investment in India.
6. elaborate the objectives of World Trade Organisation?
7. Write the importance of Anti-dumping duty.
8. Write the procedure for settling international commercial disputes.
PART B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
ans any 4 ques..
9. elaborate the factors influencing international business? discuss them.
10. discuss Marketing strategies of MNC's.
11. explain the role of regional economic agreements in international business.
12. discuss the foreign direct investment policy in India.
13.What are the functions of World Trade Organisation? discuss them.
14. What is intellectual property right? explain its importance in international business.
15. elaborate international institutions settling international commercial disputes? discuss their functions.
M.B.A. (S) DEGREE EXAMINATION, December 2006.
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A (5 x 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. What is international business? State its advantages.
2. What is multinational corporation? Write its merits.
3. Explain the differences between domestic business and international
4. Write a short note on SAARC.
5. Explain the importance of foreign direct investment in India.
6. What are the objectives of World Trade Organisation?
7. Write the importance of Anti-dumping duty.
8. Write the procedure for settling international commercial disputes.
PART B (4 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. What are the factors influencing international business? Explain them.
10. Explain Marketing strategies of MNCs.
11. Discuss the role of regional economic agreements in international business.
12. Explain the foreign direct investment policy in India.
13.What are the functions of World Trade Organisation? Explain them.
14. What is intellectual property right? Discuss its importance in
international business.
15. What are international institutions settling international commercial
disputes? Explain their functions.
Earning: Approval pending. |