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Alagappa University 2007 Diploma Sociology of Health DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHM - Question Paper

Monday, 18 February 2013 08:45Web

PART A — (10 ? three = 30 marks)
ans ALL ques..
1. What is an array of structure? provide examples.
2. What is data structure?
3. What is a priority queue?
4. What is indegree of a node in a directed graph?
5. What is a weighted graph?
6. Define binary tree.
7. Write any 2 string functions with an example.
8. What is the time complexity of
(a) Radix sort
(b) Selection sort.
9. What is hashing?
10. What is a height balanced tree?
PART B — (4 × 10 = 40 marks)
ans any 4 ques..
11. Write the algorithm for insertion and deletion of elements in a stack.
12. Explain merge sort with an example.
13. Write the algorithm for bubble sort and discuss its time complexity.
14. What is collision? Write the different methods to overcome collision.
15. Define graph. discuss with example the different representations of graphs.
16. Write the procedure for insertion and deletion of elements in a linked list.
PART C — (2 × 15 = 30 marks)
ans any 2 ques..
17. What are strings? How are strings represented? discuss the trend matching algorithm with example.
18. Discuss BFS and DFS with suitable example.
19. Write the algorithm for binary search. Also discuss the function of a binary search tree with example.

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