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Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2007-1st Year LL.M Torts

Monday, 11 February 2013 03:00Web

LL.M - Torts & Crimes - first year

(D 1231 LL/CL/TCL/CSL)


First Year

Paper I RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (Common to all Branches)

Time : Three hours    Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.    What is the significance of scientific research and explain relationship between concepts and variables.

2.    If research problem is clearly stated it is said the problem is half solved. Discuss.

3.    The ideal hypothesis is a fusion of two elements i.e. past experience and imagination in the disciplined mind of the scientist Larrabee. Comment.

4.    Explain the contents and characteristics of a research design.

5.    Briefly discuss about different kinds of sampling method.

6.    The three elements of observation are sensation; attention and perception. Expand.

7.    The case study is the examination of a single situation, person, group or institution as complex whole inorder to identify types and process, Stuart A, queen. Comment.

8.    What are the advantages and disadvantages of survey method?

9.    Explain the contents of research report.

10.    Write short notes on any TWO of the following :

(a)    Schedule

(b)    Types of interview

(c)    Non doctrinal research

(d)    Bibliography.

First Year Torts and Crimes

Paper II GENERAL THEORY AND PRINCIPLES OF TORT LIABILITY I Time : Three hours    Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Define the term T ort, what are the essential conditions of tort?

2.    Explain the term Damnum sine injuria Injuria sine Damnum with the help of decided cases.

3.    Discuss the principle laid down in the case of Rylands Vs. Fletcher.

4.    A master is not responsible for a wrongful act unless it is done in the course of his employment by the servant. Discuss.

5.    Examine the general defences applicable to all torts, with special reference to inevitable accident and necessity.

6.    Negligence as a tort is the breach of legal duty to take care which results in damage undesired by the defendant to the plaintiff. Discuss.

7.    Explain the exceptions to the rule of Rylands Vs. Fletcher.

8.    The doctrine of absolute liability is more stranger than rule of strict liability.

9.    Discuss the liability of vehicle owner for accidents caused by friends drivers, mechanics and workshop repairers.

10.    Write short notes on any TWO of the following :

(a)    State liability

(b)    Res-Ipsa loquitur

(c)    Rescue cases

(d)    Last opportunity rule.

First Year

Torts and Crimes

Paper III LAW OF CRIMES Time : Three hours    Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Explain briefly the salient features of Indian Penal Code.

2.    Actus Non Facit Reum NISI mens sit Rea. Discuss.

3.    Bring out the specific distinctions and differences between common object and common intention.

4.    Right of private is a Right in the penal law without absolute in nature. Explain.

5.    What are the essential elements of Murder? When it does not amount to Murder?

6.    Modesty of the women is a women Right Interpret the statement with sociolegal dimensions.

7.    Prostitution is increasing inspite of the prevention of Immoral Traffic Act. Why? Critically comment.

8.    Explain the essential distinctions between Theft, Extortion, Robbery and Dacoity.

9.    The Media and press is not exempted from defamatory law. Illustrate your answer with decided laws.

10.    Write short notes on any TWO of the following :

(a)    Marital rape

(b)    Hurt and grievous hurt

(c)    Wrongful restraint and confinement

(d)    Mischief.

(D 1237 LL/CL/ TCL/CSL)


First Year Paper IV JURISPRUDENCE (Common to all Branches)

Time : Three hours    Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Discuss the criticism of Austin's theory of law.

2.    Bring out the inter relationship between primary rules and secondary rules developed by prof. H.L.A. Hart.

3.    Explain the contribution of savingny in the development of Historical school of Jurisprudence.

4.    What do you mean by the term Custan and high light the requisities of valid Custan?

5.    Define the term Delegated legislation, discuss the relative merits and demerits of legislation and precedent.

6.    Discuss the Golden Rule of interpretation laid down by lord Wensleydale.

7.    Discuss the various kinds of rights.

8.    Salmand A duty is an obligatory Act that is to say - it is an act opposite of which would be a wrong - Discuss.

9.    Discuss the legal provisions relating to measure of liability for criminal offences.

10.    Write any TWO of the following :

(a)    Ratio-decidendi.

(b)    Meusrea.

(c)    Motive.

(d)    Codification.

First Year Torts and Crimes

Paper V GENERAL THEORY AND PRINCIPLES OF TORT LIABILITY - II Time : Three hours    Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.    What are the essential conditions required to constitute a tort of malicious prosecution?

2.    Define the term false imprisonment what are the defences available?

3.    Discuss the law relating to awarding of damages for personal injury.

4.    Distinguish between Assault and Battery with the help of decide of cases.

5.    What are the defences available, to tort of defamation?

6.    What are the defences available to an action for conversion?

7.    Discuss the law relating to liability of occupier towards trespasser and lawful visitor.

8.    Distinguish between Public Nuisance and Private Nuisance.

9.    Discuss the law relating to Nervous Shock.

10.    Write any TWO of the following :

(a)    Damages.

(b)    Innuendo.

(c)    Trespass to goods.

(d)    Passing off.

(D 1236 TCL)


First Year Torts and Crimes Paper VI CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE Time : Three hours    Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

(5 x 20 = 100)

1.    What are the powers and jurisdiction of various Courts Judicial and Executive side?

2.    What do you mean by the term Arrest discuss the after-arrest procedure?

3.    Define the term FIR. Elaborate the law an F.I.R and its evidentiary value.

4.    Discretionary power of Courts in granting Bail in non-bailable offences is to be governed by law, not by humour, Vague arbitrary or fanciful of the Judges - Discuss.

5.    What are the powers of Appellate courts in disposing of appeals?

6.    Explain the law relating to security for good behaviour from suspected persons and habitual offenders.

7.    Discuss the law relating to maintenance special reference to Muslim Woman (with the help of decided cases).

8.    How do you compel a person to appear before court of Law?

9.    What is the role of Executive magistrates under criminal procedure code?

10.    Write any TWO of the following :

(a)    Correctional Services Authorities.

(b)    Rights of Arrested Person.

(c)    Confessions.

(d)    Execution of sentences.


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