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The Institute of Company Secretaries of India 2006 CS Foundation , - English and Business Communication - Question Paper

Wednesday, 06 February 2013 08:20Web

CS Foundation Examination, Dec. 2006

English and Business Communication

Roll No..........................
Time allowed: three hours
Maximum marks : 100
Total number of ques. : seven
Total number of printed pages : seven
NOTE : ans all ques..

1. (a) Attempt any 5 of the subsequent : (1 mark each)

(i) i agree of course that we must reach a decision soon. (Punctuate the sentence.)

(ii) The corrugated boxes are rectangular in shape. (Eliminate the redundant word/s.)

(iii) The Office of Profit Bill was signed by the President. (Change into active voice.)

(iv) He has went to check on last year’s records. (Correct the sentence.)

(v) We require _________ (Fewer/Less) sales people. (Fill in the blank with suitable word.)

(vi) What does ‘e.g.’ stand for ? (so that/that is /for example.)

(vii) SEBI is the regulator of capital market. (Give full form of the underlined acronym.)

(viii) To make impure by the addition of a few inferior substance. (Give 1 word substitute.)

(b) Make phrases of your own using any 3 of the subsequent pair of words to bring out the difference in their meanings : (1 mark each)

(i) Practice – Practise

(ii) Latter – Letter.

(iii) Beneficial – Beneficent

(iv) Infer – Imply

(v) Lose – Loose.

(c) give the meaning of any 2 of the subsequent idioms/ phrases and use them in phrases of your own : (1 mark each)

(i) To rise to the occasion

(ii) A burning ques.

(iii) Good offices

(iv) Pros and cons.

2. (a) State, giving reason, whether the subsequent statements are actual or false. Your ans to every statement need not exceed 30 words. Attempt any five: (2 marks each)

(i) Face to face interactions are better than electronic communication to create mutual understanding and trust.

(ii) In a normal conversation ranging from 2 persons, nonverbal communication plays a greater role.

(iii) Use active verbs and active voice in your sales letters.

(iv) Business letters must convey right info to the learner.

(v) Oral communication saves time.

(vi) If you have to convey your inability to execute an order, you should mention it in the 1st line of your reply.

(vii) A Company Secretary occupies an important place in a corporate set-up.

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