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L.L.M-LL.M 3rd Sem CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Wednesday, 19 November 2014 11:28Nitha

                                  LL. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2013
                                                            (New Course)



Time : 3 Hours]                                                                              [Max. Marks : 60

Instructions :
(1) Attempt any four questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks i.e. 15 marks.

Q.l) Human Rights were earlier recognized by the society as ‘Natural Rights’ or ‘Rights of Man’. Explain the evolution of Human Rights in the light of Natural Law Theory.

Q.2) Rights are interests recognized by the State. Explain Concept of Human Rights with its underlying philosophy in Positive Theory of Law.

Q.3) Human Rights are a blend of Civil, Political Rights and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Explain with reference to the three Generations of Human Rights.

Q.4) “Genocide is the worst enemy of Human Rights and Mankind.” Discuss the National and International Norms relating to Genocide.

Q.5) “Children are the assets of every Nation.” Explain the position of Children in the light of Statutory, Constitutional and International Norms.

Q.6) “Prisoners are not reduced to animals merely because they are deprived of their personal liberty under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.” Elucidate.

Q.7) Discuss the composition and functions of National Minorities Commission. In your opinion are the provisions adequate in safeguarding Human Rights of Minorities in India ?

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