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Other Bachelor Degree-Bachelor of Social Legal Science (B.S.L) 8th Sem JURISPRUDENCE(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Wednesday, 19 November 2014 09:55Nitha

IV - B.S.L. - LL.B. (Semester - VIII)


(2003 Pattern)


Time :3 Hours]                                                                                               [Max. Marks :100


Instructions to the candidates :

1)      Question No. 9 is compulsory. Attempt any five questions out of remaining.

2)      Question No. 9 carries 20 marks and all other questions carry 16 marks


3)      Figures to the right indicate full marks.



Q1) Kelsen’s pure theory ceases to be a pure theory and is contaminated by

external ingredients like morality. Do you agree? Give reasons and analyse critically.

Q2) Explain the contribution of Roscoe Pound to Sociological Jurisprudence.

Q3) Explain American Legal Realism. Discuss its impact on Indian Legal System.

Q4) According to Savigny, Law is the product of facts or Customs as exists in a

particular Human Society, and not of the Legislature. Comment.

Q5) The doctrine of Precedent is the life- blood of every legal system, which is to

be viewed in the light of the Concept of Prospective overruling. Discuss.

Q6) Administration of Justice has at its roots certain cardinal principles common

to all legal system. Discuss the notion of Administration of Justice in Criminal Matters.

Q7) Obligation arises from breach of duties and is to be imposed by law only.

Do you support this proposition? Give reasons and analyse.

Q8) Explain the meaning of the term ‘Possession’. Discuss the important elements

of Possession.


Q9) Write short notes on any two:

a) Tortious Liability of the State. b) Ownership.

c) Principle of Lex-Divina. d) Principle of Respect. e) Title. 

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