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L.L.B-L.LB General 4th Sem JURISPRUDENCE(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Sunday, 16 November 2014 08:20Nitha

                                 II - LL.B. (Semester - IV)


                              (2003 Pattern)

SEAT No. :

[Total No. of Pages : 1

                                                                            [Max. Marks :100

Instructions to the candidates :

1)      Question No.9 is compulsory. It carries 20 marks.

2)      Attempt any 5 out of the remaining. Each question carries 16 marks.

Q1) Natural Law has an abiding impact on legal thought, its concept and meaning

has varied from time to time. Even today it has neither lost its vitality nor its role. Discuss the revival of Natural law in the 20th century.


Q2) ‘Validity’ and ‘Effectiveness’ of norms are two separate concepts, yet they

are intimately connected. Explain the relationship between the two as presented by Kelsen.


Q3) Examine critically contribution of Prof. Roscoe Pound to the study of

Sociological Jurisprudence.


Q4) Define Custom. What are the requirements laid down by law that a Custom

may be valid and operative as a source of law?


Q5) Describe characteristics of legal rights. Also explain various types of legal



Q6) According to Sir Henry Maine, “The movement of progressive societies has

hitherto been a movement from status to contract”. Examine this statement and explain whether there is any recoil from contract to status.


Q7) Ownership is unrestricted in point of disposition - Criticize the proposition

by stating various limitations operative on ownership rights in today’s world.


Q8) What is mean by “Vicarious liability”? Is the concept of vicarious liability

limited to civil law or does it also operates in criminal law?


Q9) Write Short Note on any two of the following :

a) Subordinate legislation.

b) Legal status of lower animals.

c) Ratio decidendi

d) Modes of acquiring property.



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