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L.L.B-L.LB General 4th Sem INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Sunday, 16 November 2014 08:19Nitha

                                                   II - LL.B. (Semester - IV)

SEAT No. :

[Total No. of Pages : 2

(2nd Year of the Three Year Law Course)


(2003 Pattern) (Optional Paper 17 (d))



Time :3 Hours]                                                                                               [Max. Marks :100


Instructions to the candidates :

1)      All questions are compulsory.

2)      Figures to the right indicate full marks.


Q1) Discuss the procedure of registration of copyright and its effect.        [20]


What are the rights of an owner of copyright in sound recording and

cinematograph films?



Q2) What is an invention? Which inventions are patentable?                        [20]


State the grounds on which a patent can be revoked.

Q3) When is a trade mark infringed? What are the remedies for infringement of

trade mark?                                                                                                               [20]


What is an action of passing off, with reference to trade marks? Can the

remedy be claimed in reference to a registered trade mark? What are the

remedies in a suit for passing off?

Q4) What is a design? Which designs can be registered?                                 [20]


Discuss how intellectual property helps growth of industry and economy.


Q5) Write short notes on any four :

a) Term of copyright b) Performers’ rights

c) Priority date (re. patent)

d) Claims (re. patent)

e) Distinctiveness

f) Registered users (re trade marks)

g) Geographical indications

h) Layout Design of a semi-conductor integrated circuit. 

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