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M.A-M.A Mass Communication and Journalism 1st Year Paper – X : MEDIA LAWS AND ETHICS(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Saturday, 08 November 2014 11:51Nitha

                                   First Year M.A. M.C.J. Examination, 2013
                                     Paper – X : MEDIA LAWS AND ETHICS

Time : 2 Hours                                                                  Max. Marks : 50

Instructions : Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. What type of precautions are necessary while writing news items regarding elections ? 15

Give the legal provisions in Copy Right Act. Do you think illegally copying Books and CDs has adversely affected the business revenue ? 15

2. Do you think that media affects the opinion of people ? Taking sides sometimes make or unmake the credibility of newspaper. Explain with examples. 15


What are the basic principles of Journalism ? Do you think that Journalists abide by these principles or they have some professional limitations. 15

3. Write short notes (any four) : 20

a) Press Council of India

b) Media self regulation

c) Importance of the Right to Information Act

d) Anti Defamation Act

e) Freedom of Expression

f) PRB Act.


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