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M.A-M.A Mass Communication and Journalism 2nd Year Paper – V : COMMUNICATION RESEARCH(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Saturday, 08 November 2014 11:50Nitha

                                   Second Year M.A. M.C.J. Examination, 2013
                                      Paper – V : COMMUNICATION RESEARCH

Time : 3 Hours                                                                    Max. Marks : 75

Instruction :Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Assume that you are the editor of an Evening newspaper faced with a declining circulation. What types of research project could you conduct to help increase your readership ? Describe. 15


Suggest ethical guidelines that a researcher should follow. 15

2. Explain why it is necessary to study effects of mass media on its audience. Explain in detail. 15


What is Research ? Explain eight steps involved in research process with suitable examples. 15

3. Discuss problems affecting media research in India. 15


What is content analysis ? What are its uses ? Explain steps involved in content analysis. 15

4. Prepare a preliminary research design for any one of the following research topics : (research design must contain a brief note on relevance/importance of topic, research method to be used, sample size and sampling method, time and
money estimates).

a) Effect of TV on children

b) Communication strategy of a ‘House Journal’

c) Audience perception of ‘breaking news’

d) Portrayal of politicians in Hindi films.

5. Write short notes (any three) : 15

a) Applied Research

b) Non Probability Sampling

c) Scientific Research

d) Observation

e) Bibliography.


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