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M.A-M.A Economics 2nd Sem EC-202 : Indian Public Finance(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Thursday, 06 November 2014 11:41Nitha

                             M.A. (Part I) (Second Semester) EXAMINATION, 2013
                                                  EC-202 : Indian Public Finance
                                                           (2008 PATTERN)

Time : Three Hours                                                      Maximum Marks : 80

N.B. :—

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(iii) Answers should be precise and to the point.


1. Answer the following in 500 words (any one) : [20]

(i) Evaluate the Indirect tax reforms in India.

(ii) What is Fiscal Policy ? Review in detail Indian Fiscal Policy since, 1991.


2. Answer the following in 500 words (any one) : [20]

(i) What is deficit financing ? Explain the optimal level of deficit financing.

(ii) Explain the preparation and execution process of Union Budget in India.
P.T.O.[4304]-202 2

3. Answer in 250 words each (any two) : [20]

(i) Discuss the public debt policy in Indian economy.

(ii) State the principles of Federal Finance.

(iii) Explain importance of automatic stabilizers in fiscal policy.

(iv) Explain the concept of balanced budget multiplier.

4. Answer in 100 words each (any four) : [20]

(i) Horizontal imbalance in sources of revenue of State and Central Government.

(ii) Burden of public debt in India.

(iii) Classification of Budget.

(iv) Recommendations of XII Finance Commission.

(v) Fiscal deficit Vs. budget deficit.

(vi) Trends of the union revenue since 1991


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