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Post Graduate Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma Computer Science and Management 1st Sem 102 : PROGRAMMING USING VISUAL BASIC(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Tuesday, 04 November 2014 11:01Nitha

                      P.G.D.C.M. (Semester – I) Examination, 2013
                         102 : PROGRAMMING USING VISUAL BASIC
                                               (2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours                                                            Max. Marks : 70

Note : All questions are compulsory.


1. Give output for following section of code and explain (any five) : 20

a) nm = “Atul”

If (nm > “Arjun”) then

Print nm


Print “Ashok”

b) Print Asc (“A”)

c) for i = 1 to 3

Print “i”

next i

d) dim ct as string

ct = “Pune”

Print Right (ct, 3)

e) Print chr (67)

f) Msgbox “Hello”

2. Name the property for the following controls (any five) : 5

a) To change size of font of Text Box.

b) To change colour of label.

c) To assign image to picture box.

d) To apply a graphical effect to Command Button.

e) To change title of Command Button.

f) To change dimensions (size) of image box.


3. Write a sectional code for the following (any four) : 20

a) To find maximum among three numbers.

b) To change colour of form on click to three command buttons namely Red, Green and Blue.

c) To display 1 to 10 numbers and their squares.

d) To display “P.G.D.C.M.” in a label and to change its font as per selection from option button to Bold or Italic.

e) To arrange five names in dictionary order.

4. Write short notes on (any five) : 25

a) Mathematical functions

b) Branching statements

c) Common dialog box

d) Vertical and Horizontal Scroll bars

e) Check box

f) Event driven programming.


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You are here: PAPER Post Graduate Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma Computer Science and Management 1st Sem 102 : PROGRAMMING USING VISUAL BASIC(University of Pune, Pune-2013)