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Other Master Degree-Master in Personnel Management 3rd Sem 305 : LABOUR LAW–III(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Tuesday, 04 November 2014 07:17Nitha

                               M.P.M. (Part II) (Third Semester) EXAMINATION, 2013
                                                       305 : LABOUR LAW–III
                                                            (2008 PATTERN)

Time : Three Hours                                                         Maximum Marks : 70

N.B. :—

(i) Solve any five questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks (i.e. 14).


1. (A) Explain objective and scope of Employee’s Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. [7]

(B) Explain the following terms under Employees’ Provident Funds Act, 1952 (any two) : [7]

(1) Basic wages

(2) Exempted employee

(3) Executive committee.


2. A is a motor driver in an ice factory establishment met with an accident while transporting ice. As consequences he had to amputate his right arm below the elbow and lost the sight by left-eye. Decide whether he had suffered partial or total disablement. Justify. [14] 

3. Distinguish between ‘Partial Disablement’ and ‘Total Disablement’. [14]


4. What are the benefits available under Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 ? [14]


5. Explain the various purposes for which ESI Fund can be utilized. [14]


6. Explain various benefits under ESIC Act, 1948. [14]


7. Write short notes (any two) : [14]

(1) Fatal accidents

(2) Total disablement

(3) Medical bonus

(4) Employee Family Pension Scheme.


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