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Other Master Degree-Master of Computer Management (M.C.M) 3rd Sem ADVANCED RUBY(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Monday, 03 November 2014 08:12Nitha

                       M. C. M. (Semester - III) Examination - 2013
                                                  ADVANCED RUBY
                                                (New 2008 Pattern)



Time : 3 Hours]                                                     [Max. Marks : 70



Instructions :

(1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.


Q.l) Solve any four : [40]

(a) Write a program that accept user name and role from the user and display the welcome message with name only when the role is 1. (i.e. admin). Create a method on soap server. SOAP client invokes this method and print name and role of user.

(b) Write a Toolkit Program that create a complaint API for mobile phone services.

(c) Using Ruby Socket API, write a program that client passes date of birth to the server and server responds by sending date of
birth of the user to the client by calculating the age of user by using current system data.

(d) Write migration for creating table ‘employee detail’ in database having emp_id, emp_name, address, phone_no, designation,
department, basic_sal columns.

(e) Write a ruby script with multiple views when user enter name and user type. If user type is admin than it will display message
“Welcome Administrator” if user type is guest than it will display  message “Welcome Guest User” if user type is employee than
it will display message “Welcome Employee”.

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(f) Write a program in rails that accept Student_Id and course from student if Student-Id or course is wrong it will return the nil object. If Student_Id and course is right it will display the welcome message. Create authentication method in model to verify
Student_Id and course of student.

Q.2) Solve any five : [30]

(a) Describe MVC Architecture in details.

(b) What is Socket and Socket Classes ?

(c) Explain Web Seaffolding with suitable example.

(d) Describe Contents of database.yml

(e) What is Active Record ?

(f) Explain Migration Methods.

(g) Define Relationships.

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