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M.A-M.A English 1st Sem Paper - 1.3 : English Language Today(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Friday, 31 October 2014 12:48Nitha

M.A. (Part - I) (Semester - I)


Paper - 1.3 : English Language Today

(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours]                                                                                               [Max. Marks : 80




Instructions to the candidates:


1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.




Q1) Answer any four of the following in not more than 200 words each: [16]


What are the three term labels used to describe the vowels? Explain. Explain and illustrate the structure of a syllable. What are semi-vowels in British English? Explain.

Define the voiced and voiceless consonants in R.P. English. What are the functions of intonation? Illustrate.

What is a tone group? What is the structure of it?

Q2) Answer any four of the following in not more than 200 words each: [16]

What is ‘an allomorph’? Explain with examples.

Describe inflectional and derivational categories of morpheme.

Explain with examples the concept of ‘free’ morpheme and its categories. Distinguish between ‘blending’ and ‘compounding’ as the processes of

word formation.

Explain with examples ‘conversion’ as a process of word formation.

How does the affixation process enrich vocabulary of English?



Q3) Write short notes on any four of the following in about 200 words each: [16]

Adjective phrase.

Relative pronouns.

Coordinate clauses.

Preposition phrase.


The operating verbs.

Q4) Answer any four of the following in not more than 200 words each: [16]


Explain the concept of lexical relations with suitable examples.

Illustrate the components of meaning in ‘Proto-types’.

What is ‘Metonymy’? How does it depend on the inferences in a

speaker’s mind?

Define ‘agent’, ‘theme’, and ‘instrument’ as semantic roles of phrases.

Explain with examples the syntagmatic relations in linguistic units.

Explain the ‘concept of situation’ with examples.

Q5) a)      Attempt any four of the following:                                                           [4]


The aspirated plosives in English --------, -------- and --------.

Transcribe the word ‘education’ phonemically and mark stress.

Define the clause elements syntactically in the following.

‘Of course one has to count them’.

Divide the following sentence into the tone groups and underline

the nucleus accent.

‘That’s their favourite restaurant because they enjoy Maharashtrian


Mark the stress and intonation in the following sentence-

‘I have an examination tomorrow’


Identify the syllables in the word ‘qualifications’ and give syllable structure.


Attempt any four of the following:                                                           [4]


b) Draw a tree diagram to provide the morphological analysis of –



Identify the free and bound morphemes in the word



Comment on the allomorphic variants in-’toys’ and ‘tops’.


Form the words by using the prefixes- ‘en-and ‘ir-

Identify the process of word formation in the following words.

‘demo’ and ‘GAT’

Give two examples of ‘clipping’ as a process of word formation.


c)       Attempt any four of the following:                                                           [4]

Explain the error that you find in the following sentence.

‘You should give themselves another chance’.

Frame a sentence to give an example of- ‘the object complement’.

Give two examples of Interrogative pronouns.

Identify the sentence elements in the following.

‘Once upon a time, there lived a king’.

Identify the underlined phrase and explain.

‘In brief, you do not accept their offer’.

Define the syntactic function of the prepositional phrase in the


‘All the friends enjoyed the party in the hall’.

[4302]-123                                                     3


d)       Attempt any four of the following:                                                           [4]

i)        Comment on the idiomaticity in the following phrases-

1)       a kind request

2)       allegedly inquired.

ii)       Explain the types of deictic in the following sentence.

She met her boss to convince him about the case’.

iii)      Define the lexical relations in the phrase- ‘at the tail of the troop’.

iv)      Join the following sentences by using the device of ‘ellipsis’.

1)       My friend wants to join the firm.

2)      He completed the C-DAC course in the university.

v)       Set out the semantics by applying componential analysis of ‘horse’.

vi)      Comment on the lexical relations in the pair - ‘dog’ and ‘animal’

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