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M.D-M.D 2nd Year Paper IV- Itara Manas Chikitsa Evam Yoga Panchakarma(Kerala University of Health Sciences-2013)

Friday, 31 October 2014 08:48Nitha

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Final Year PG Ayurveda Degree Examinations – October 2013


           Paper IV- Itara Manas Chikitsa Evam Yoga Panchakarma

Time : 3 hrs                                                         Max marks : 100

• Answer all questions

Essay (20)


1. Explain the role of panchakarma in the management of manasikarogas.

Short essays (8x10=80)

2. Explain the role of shirodhara in the management of anidra.

3. Explain the role of jnana-bhakti and karma yogas in the management of manovikaras.

4. Explain sudarshanakriya yoga and vipashanakriya in the management of abnormal mind.

5. Explain the role of rasayana and vajikaranaaushadhis in the management of manasikarogas with examples.

6. Explain emergency management in psychiatry.

7. Explain satvavajayachikitsa.

8. Explain Psycho biological effects of yoga.

9. Explain the role of achara rasayana in preservation of mental health.


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