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M.Sc-M.Sc Nursing 2nd Year Sub Specialty: Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Nursing (Kerala University of Health Sciences-2013)

Thursday, 30 October 2014 01:32Nitha

Q.P.Code 202351                                                                            Reg. No.:.................... .

Second Year M.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations - May 2013
                                                   Clinical Specialty - II

                                              Medical Surgical Nursing

                                Sub Specialty: Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Nursing

Time: 3 hrs                                                                                                Max marks : 100

• Answer all questions


Essays (4x20=80)

1. Define angina pectoris. Explain the pathophysiology and types of angina pectoris.  Describe the management of angina pectoris (2+6+4+8=20)

2. Mr. W. 55 years old man is admitted to the cardiac surgery ICU after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Describe the indications for CABG. Explain the complications of CPB. Prepare a nursing care
plan for this patient for the first 48 hours after surgery (4+6+10=20)

3. Describe the indications for pneumonectomy. Explain the postoperative nursing management and complications after pneumonectomy. (5+8+7=20)

4. Describe the different modes of mechanical ventilation. Mention the nursing 0,· assessment of a patient on mechanical ventilator. Explain the process of weaning from mechanical ventilator. (5+8+7=20)


Short notes (4x5=20)

5. Ventricular tachycardia

6. Raynaud's phenomenon

7. Anticoagulants

8. Postural drainage


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