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M.Sc-M.Sc Nursing 2nd Year Sub Specialty: Neuroscience Nursing (Kerala University of Health Sciences-2013)

Thursday, 30 October 2014 01:26Nitha

Q.P.Code 205351                                                                          Reg. No.:.....................
Second Year M.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations - May 2013
                                                       Clinical Specialty - II

                                                   Medical Surgical Nursing

                                     Sub Specialty: Neuroscience Nursing

Time: 3 hrs                                                                                          Max marks : 100

• Answer all questions

Essays (4x20:80)

1. Describe the oxford classification of stroke. Discuss the pathophysiology of stroke and the related clinical manifestations (5+15=20)

2. Mr X 42 years old admitted to the neurology ICU with the complaints of weakness in the upper and lower limb. During the course of time he has developed diaphragmatic palsy too, presently he is on mechanical ventilation with SIMV mode, FI02 50%, PEEP of Bern of H20, he is diagnosed to have upper motor neuron (UMN) disease. Answer the following: Explain the causes of UMN disease. Describe the clinical features of UMN disease. Describe the nursing management of Mr X. (5 + 5 +10 = 20)

3. Explain the significance of reticular activating system. Differentiate between persistent vegetative state and minimally conscious state. Discuss the management of coma in the first hour. (5+5+10=20)

4. Answer the following in relation to multiple sclerosis. Discuss the diagnostic tests. Explain the pathophysiological changes. Outline a rehabilitation programme for a 45 years old house wife with chronic progressive type of multiple sclerosis. (5+ 5 + 10 = 20)


Short notes (4x5=20)

5. Down syndrome

6. Quality control in neurologic nursing

7. Preparation of a patient for MRI

8. Types of brain tumors


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