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M.Sc-M.Sc Medical Laboratory Technology 1st Year PAPER - Ill VITAMINS AND HORMONES (Kerala University of Health Sciences-2013)

Thursday, 16 October 2014 07:51Nitha

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              First Year M.Sc. MLT Degree Examinations -February 2013
                             PAPER - Ill VITAMINS AND HORMONES

Time: 3 hrs.                                                              Max. marks : 100

• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essays: (10x10 = 100)

1. Explain the sources, recommended daily allowance, functions and deficiency manifestations of vitamin A

2. Discuss the classification of hormones. Explain the mechanism of action of steroid hormones

3. Synthesis, functions and disorders of thyroid hormones

4. Name the hormones secreted by posterior pituitary and explain their actions

5. Synthesis, mechanism of action and biological role of insulin

6. Functions of vitamins E and K

7. Explain the biochemical role of folic acid and the manifestations of its deficiency

8. Actions of testosterone and progesterone

9. Describe the coenzyme role of thiamine, add a note on the manifestations of its deficiency

10. Explain male hypogonadism and testicular feminization


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