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M.Sc-M.Sc Botany 2nd Sem BO - 2.3 : Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Saturday, 11 October 2014 09:05Nitha

                         M.Sc. (Semester - II)


SEAT No. :                                                                                       [Total No. of Pages : 2

BO - 2.3 : Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering

                             (2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours]                                                                                                [Max. Marks :80

Instructions to the candidates:

1) Answer any Five questions, selecting at least Two questions from each Section.

2) Answers to the two sections should be written in spearate answer books. 3) All questions carry EQUAL marks.

4) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.


Q1) Describe the process of transcription in eukaryotes.                                 [16]

Q2) Explain in detail the mechanism of replication in eukaryotes.               [16]

Q3) a)      Discuss the DNA repair systems.                                                             [8]

b)       Explain organization and structure of eukaryotic genes.                 [8]

Q4) Write notes on any two of the following :                                                     [16]

a)       Southern blotting.

b)       Restriction endonucleases.

c)       Structure of tRNA.



Q5) Describe the mechanism of protein synthesis in eukaryotes.                 [16]

Q6) Explain in detail steps involved in DNA cloning. Add a note on applications

of DNA cloning.                                                                                                     [16]

Q7) a)      Explain BAC and YAC vectors as cloning vectors.                          [8]

b)       Explain polymerase chain Reaction and its applications.               [8]

Q8) Write notes on any two of the following :                                                     [16]

a)       Eukaryotic transcription factors.

b)       Differences in B and Z form of DNA.

c)       Structure of mRNA.


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