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M.B.A-M.B.A 2nd Sem (206) : MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Monday, 29 September 2014 12:01Nitha

   [4375] - 206

                                   M.B.A. (Semester - II)

                                                 [Total No. of Pages : 3


(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours]                                                                     [Max. Marks :70

Instructions :

1) Q. No. 1 and 7 are compulsory.

2) Solve any four questions from remaining.

3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.


Q1) Draw report layout for following and elaborate use of these reports in the

process of decision making.                                                    [15]

a) Provident Fund Report (slabwise).

b) Stock Ledger.

c) Profit & Loss Account Statement.

Q2) “MIS is an instrument for organisational change”. Explain.       [10]

Q3) Explain Herbert Simon model of decision making in detail. What are its

limitations.                                                                                                                  [10]

Q4) Explain with advantages and disadvantages, waterfall model of system

development.                                                                                                              [10]

Q5) What is Artificial intelligence? Explain structure of expert system in detail.[10]

Q6) Explain the concept of data warehousing. What is the need of data mining in

modern business.

Q7) Write short notes on (any three) :

a) Threats to information system security.

b) Geographical information system.

c) DSS Vs EIS.

d) Attributes of good information. 

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