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M.B.A-M.B.A 3rd Sem 303-C : Software Engineering(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Monday, 29 September 2014 11:58Nitha

   [4375] - 303-C

                                   M.B.A. (Semester - III)

                                                 [Total No. of Pages : 3



303-C : Software Engineering

(2008 Pattern)

Time :3 Hours]                                                                                                 [Max. Marks :70

Instructions to the candidates :

1)      Question Number 1 and 7 is compulsory.

2)      Attempt any four questions from the remaining.

3)      Write down the assumptions clearly (if any).

Q1) Kautilya University Research Group publish an analysis of all journal papers

related to Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Each paper may have more than one author and may appear in only one journal. Journals are identified by publisher details, title, volume and issue number. One issue contains many papers of many subjects. Each paper contains series of references to their papers Authors contribute to many papers appearing in variety of journals.[15]

a) Draw ERD.

b) Draw context level DFD.

c) Draw Report Layouts (Any two)

Q2) Explain various fact finding techniques. Also explain its advantages and

disadvantages.                                                                                                      [10]

Q3) Explain the roles of system Analyst.                                                              [10]

Q4) A Regional Transport Office (RTO) is related with registration of vehicles.

Mainly the vehicles are categorised as commercial and non-commercial.

If the vehicle is non-commercial and its type is two-wheeler then registration

charges are Rs. 100/-, for three wheelers Rs. 150/- and for four wheelers Rs. 200/-. For commercial type of vehicle Rs. 100/- is added extra in registration charges.

a) Draw Decision Tree

b) Draw Decision Table.



Q5) Define Software Testing? Explain the different types of testing.

Q6) Explain Normalization with the help of example.

Q7) Write short notes on (Any three) :

a) Online and Real Time Processing.

b) Object Oriented Modeling.

c) Case Tools.

d) Types of system.


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