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Other Bachelor Degree-Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Tech. 3rd Sem 304 : COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Friday, 26 September 2014 02:07Nitha

Total No. of Questions—5]                 [Total No. of Printed Pages—2
Seat No. [4381]-304
                                      B.H.M.C.T. (Third Semester) EXAMINATION, 2013
                                                    304 : COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS

                                                             (2008 PATTERN)
Time : Two Hours                                                                  Maximum Marks : 40

N.B. :— (i) Attempt any four questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.


1. (A) Explain any three topologies. [2+3]
(B) Describe Desktop, Icon, Taskbar. [3]
(C) What is data type in MS-Access ? [2]

2. (A) Explain the following DOS command : [3]
(i) Copy
(ii) Edit
(iii) CD.

(B) Explain the MS-Excel functions : [3]
(i) IF
(ii) PER
(iii) ROUND.

(C) What is extension of MS-PowerPoint file ? Explain organization chart in PPF. [4]

3. (A) Explain the different types of chart in MS-Excel. [3]
(B) Explain search engines with example. [5]
(C) Give full form of DBMS. Give any two advantages of DBMS. [2]

4. (A) Explain the use and process of Mail-Merge. [5]
(B) Explain in E-commerce ERP concept. [2]
(C) Explain the term primary key with example. [3]

5. (A) Distinguish between Laser printer and Inkject printer. [5]
(B) Explain the types of software. [5]

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