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M.C.A-M.C.A c++, Java, HTML,soft. Engg., Graph theory, As/400, 4th Sem Software Engineering(Andhra University-2013)

Friday, 17 January 2014 12:03abdul sattar

M C A Software Engineering Question paper
Fourth Semester [MCA] -

Paper Code: MCA 206 Subject: Software Engineering

Q. 1 (a) What are the advantages of using so ftware process models? Explain
the prototype and spiral model in detail.

(b) What process model you will follow for developing (i) Editor (ii) Radiation
therapy machine software. Justify your answer.

Q. 2. (a) Describe briefly different stages of risk management process.

(b) The value of size of program in KLOC and different cost drivers are given
below: size – 300 KLOC, Complexity 0.95, Analyst cap ability – 1.05,
Applications of Software Engineering Methods – 0.8, Performance
Requirement – 0.75. Calculate the effort for three types of projects i.e. organic,
semidetached and embedded using COCOMO model.

Q. 3. (a) What is the use of drawing context diagram?

(b) A blood bank receives and stores blood donated by people and also gives
blood to individuals or hospitals on demand. The blood bank also has a panel of
vendors who supply var ious items after receiving the order from the blood
bank. If a dono r appro aches the blood bank, his blood sample is taken and test
for various diseases. If approved blood is taken and stored in the bank. The
contact details of donor are recorded and donor is issued a card which is valid
for one year. During this period the donor b y showing the card can get the
blood from the blood bank. From time to time blood bank organizes the blood
donation camp. Date and venue is announced in the newspaper and existing
regular donor are also informed by post. The blood bank also has a panel of
doctors. Two doctors from the panel are also associated with th e camp to
handle emergencies. For these requirements draw (i) ER diagram (ii) Context diagram.

Q.4 (a) Define each of the following terms:-
(i) Structure ch art (ii) Transaction Centered Design
(iii) Control Coupling (iv) Temporal Cohesion
(v) Requirement (vi) Software requirement Specification
(vii) Adaptive Maintenance (viii) Error

(b) Explain briefly Information Flow Metrics. For the structure chart given
below in Fig.1. Calculate the information flow index of individual modules as
well as whole software.
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You are here: PAPER M.C.A-M.C.A c++, Java, HTML,soft. Engg., Graph theory, As/400, 4th Sem Software Engineering(Andhra University-2013)