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B.Com- 1st Sem Market Behaviour and cost analysis(Bangalore University, Bangalore-2012)

Wednesday, 30 October 2013 05:17nandini g
Market Behaviour and cost analysis-Question paper Nov 2012 (B.Com &BBM) Bangalore university




1. What are the goals of a firm?

2. Define game theory?

3. What is giffen paradox?

4. What is the meaning of skimming price?

5. What is product line pricing?

6. What is administrative pricing?

7. What is deferred cost?

8. What do you mean by demand forecasting?

9. What is price discrimination?

10. What is capital budgeting?

11. What is delphi method?

12. What is bep? State the formula to measure?

13. What is npv?



1. What are the objectives of pricing?

2. What is the importance of decision making?

3. What is income elasticity of demand? the method of least square method compute the trend value for each of the 5 years and forecast the annual sale for 2002 from the


Figures given.

Year:       1997     1998  1999  2000  2001

Sales:          50      62      78      48      74

5. Calculate bep from the following data

Sales: 5500units

Sales receipts: 28875

Total fixed cost: 16000

Total variable cost: 11000

6. Briefly analyse the factors determining the price of the product?

7. State the law of demand? Explain with the help of a diagram? State the exceptions?



1. Briefly explain the price elasticity of demand? State its degrees with the diagrams?

2. What is pricing? Explain different methods?

3. What are the essential conditions of requirements of price discrimination?

4. What is demand forecasting & state various methods of demand forecasting?

5. Yeses company is considering an investment in a project requiring a capital outlay of   Rs 2, 00,000.

 Forecast of annual income from the project after depreciation but before tax are as follows

Year:       1                 2                  3         4                         5

Income: 100000   100000       80000          80000            50000   

Company's tax rate is 40% and charges 20% depreciation on original cost.

You are requiring to ascertain:

1. Pay back period and

2. Net present value using 15% cost of capital

(Note PVF at 15% are: 0.870 0.756 0.658 0.5720.497)


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