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B.C.A-B.C.A Computer Application 6th Sem INTERNET CONCEPTS AND MARKUP LANGUAGES(Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu-2011)

Wednesday, 24 July 2013 09:48Jebaprincy
Sixth Semester
Computer Application/Computer Science
(Non-CBCS—2004 onwards)
[Common for Computer Application / Computer Science]
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 100 Marks
Part A (10 × 1 = 10)
Answer all questions.
1. For a browser to read your file properly, save it with a file name with extension ———— or ————.
2. Two major components of HTML are ———— and ————.
3. A URL is a uniform way to refer to ———— and ———— on the internet.
4. A telnet protocol allows a user to open an interactive terminal session on a remote host computer (True/False)
5. ———— and ———— attributes provide great flexibility for creating style rules.
6. ———— provides two main ways to define media types for style sheets.
7. The expansion of CGI is ————.
8. Linux is a popular web hosting platform (True/False).
9. ———— is the only browser supporting ECMA script in full.
10. Real Audio data is delivered in an interleaved fashion (True/False).
Part B (5 × 6 = 30)
Answer any five questions.
11. Explain the phases of web site development.
12. Explain block-level elements.
13. Explain relative URLS.
14. Explain GIF images.
15. Explain Font properties in style sheet formation.
16. Write short note on Java Script.
17. Explain embedding XML into HTML documents.
Part C (5 × 12 = 60)
Answer any five questions.
18. Explain the implementation phase of the web publishing process.
19. Describe < META > element.
20. Explain the approaches used to insert objects into a web page.
21. Describe Frames in detail.
22. Write a detailed note on Video Support.
23. Describe the working of a common Gateway interface.
24. Describe the script events defined in HTML 4.
25. Explain the basic principles and components of SGML 
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