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Madras University (UnOM) 2005 B.Sc Computer Science Object oriented programming in C++ & data structures - Question Paper

Monday, 12 August 2013 04:40Web

PART A - (10 x three = 30 marks)

ans any TEN ques..All ques. carry equal marks. every ans should not exceed 50 words.

1.What are the data kinds in C++?

2.List the control structures in C++.

3.What are objects? How are they created?

4. What does polymorphisms mean in C++? How is polymorphism achieved at run time?

5. discuss any 2 manipulators in C++ with examples.

6.What are the 2 methods of opening files in C++?

7.Define base class and derived class.

8.Explain the terms ordered list with an example.

9.Write an algorithm to insert a node in linked list.

10. discuss the terms infix, prefix and post fix expressions

11.How to convert a forest into binary trees?

12.Explain any 2 hashing functions with examples.

PART B - (5 x six = 30 marks)

ans any 5 ques.. All ques. carry equal marks.

every ans should not exceed 200 words.

13. What is an expression? discuss various kinds of expressions in C++.

14. What is function overloading? discuss with an example.

15. What is operator function? discuss the syntax of an operator

16. elaborate command line arguments? discuss with an example.

17. What is data structure? Distinguish ranging from linear and non-linear data structures.

18. discuss the different operations on queue data structure.

19.Explain Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest path.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

ans any 4 ques..All ques. carry equal marks.

every ans should not exceed 500 words.

20. (a) discuss the different operators in C++ with examples.

(b) What is an inline function? discuss with an example.

21.Explain the various kinds of constructors in C++.

22. Write a C++ program to discuss the concept of multiple

23. Write a C++ program that reads a text file and creates a different
file that is identical other than that every sequence of consecutive blank spaces is changed by a single blank.

24. discuss the different operations on stack data structure.

25. discuss the various methods of traversing a binary tree.

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