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Madras University (UnOM) 2005 B.Com English & Business Communication business management - Question Paper

Monday, 12 August 2013 07:20Web

B.COM, November 2005


PART-A (10*3=30 MARKS)

ans ANY TEN ques.

1. Explain the term ‘Management’.
2. Is management a science or art?
3. Explain the concept of responsibility.
4. What do you mean by ‘unity of command’?
5. What are ‘objectives’?
6. What is a ‘strategy’?
7. What is ‘morale’?
8. What is delegation of authority?
9. What is meant by “directing”?
10. Who is an autocratic leader?
11. What is ‘control technique’?
12. What is meant by group dynamism?

PART-B (5*6=30 MARKS)

ans ANY 5 ques..

13. Point out the contributions of Henry Fayol to the management theory.
14. Explain the significance of ‘time’ and ‘motion’ studies.
15. what are the steps involved in decision-making process?
16. Explain the principles of organizing.
17. What are the qualities of good leader?
18. what are the needs of co-ordination in an organization?
19. Explain the significance of MBO in a modern business.

PART-C (4*10=40 MARKS)

ans ANY 4 ques.
20. Explain the ‘human relations’ theory of management thought.
21. Explain the importance of planning.
22. What is MIS? elaborate the elements involved in it?
23. Critically discuss McGregor’s theory ‘X’ and theory ‘Y’.
24. What is span of control? What factors do determine the optimum span?
25. What is ‘decentralization’? elaborate the benefits?

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