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Madras University (UnOM) 2005 B.C.A Computer Application Operating system - Question Paper

Monday, 12 August 2013 03:35Web

PART A- (10 x three = 30 marks)

ans any TEN ques..All ques. carry equal marks.

every ans should not exceed 500 words.

1.What is compute-server system?

2. Mention any 4 system components.

3. Draw the diagram of process state.

4.What are the necessary condition for deadlock?

5.What is meant by critical part problem?

6. describe segmentation.

7.Define Page, frames and frame table.

8. Name the various kinds of page replacement algorithm.

9.What are file attributes?

10. What is meant by Boot control block?

11.What is caching?

12. elaborate goals of protection?

PART B - (5 x six = 30 marks)

ans any 5 ques..All ques. carry equal marks.

every ans should not exceed 200 words.

13. explain about the real time system.

14. discuss the scheduling algorithm that mainly used for time sharing system.

15. elaborate the possibilities to recover system from deadlock?

16. Write short notes on segmentation.

17. elaborate the ways to access the info in the file? discuss briefly.

18. How does DMA increase system concurrency? discuss.

19. explain the security issue.

PART C - (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

ans any 4 ques..All ques. carry equal marks.

every ans should not exceed 500 words.

20. discuss process scheduling in detail.

21. explain the multi threading problems in detail.

22. Why we need semaphore tool? discuss in detail with example.

23. discuss in detail about paging.

24. discuss any 2 page replacement algorithm.

25.Explain the access matrix.

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