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Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) 2008-3rd Sem M.B.A of , consumer behaviour & advertisment management - Question Paper

Monday, 22 July 2013 03:25Web

"consumer behaviour & advertisment management"


Q 1: Attempt any 4 of the subsequent
a) 'consumer behaviour is interdiciplinary' elucidate.
b) discuss the different factor which affect the consumer behaviour.
c) what do you understand by the consumer behaviour? explain the application of consumer
behaviour in marketing
d) how can consumer behaviour be used for segmenting consumer markets?
e) discuss the impact of cultural and social factors in determining consumer behaviours.
f) discuss the difference ranging from 'personal' consumer and'organization' consumer.

Q 2: what do you buying motives? explain the application of maslow's need hierarchy to develop
marketing strategy for various product.

Q 2: What is consumer learning? explain the theory of classical conditioning and it's application
in markeying.

Q 3:
a)what do you mean by issue recognition? what influence a cutomer to resolve a recognised
b)'Alternative valuation and external info search often occur simultaneously' do you
agree with the statment?- justify.

Q 3: how should retailer's deal with consumers immediately after purchase to decrease postpurchase
dissonance? what specific action would you recommend and what effect would you intend to have
as regards the latest purchase od a personal computer and a toilet soap.

Q 4:
a) "Adertisement facilitate the building up of positive attitude of the target audience towards
a brand" what are with suitable example.
b) elaborate the factor marketers consider while setting the advertising budget? explain different
methods used in setting advertising budget?

Q 4:
a) explain the role of creativity in advertising. choose an advertisement that has been on
television for a few time and define in details what you thonk is the creative message
strategy in it
b) what kind of advertising media are available to marketers in india? explain the relative
strenght and weakness of 2 advertising medium of your option.

Q 5: write short note on any 2 of the subsequent.
a) Ethical and social problem in advertising
b) Advertising effectivness
c) STP strategies for advertising
d) Process of advertising

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