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Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) 2007 M.B.A Organisational Behaviour - Question Paper

Monday, 22 July 2013 02:30Web

Printed Pages : 4    HU - 602

(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book)

Roll No. | | | | | | | | | 1 | B. Tech. (SEM. VI) EXAMINATION, 2006-07 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR

PAPER ID : 7061

Time : 2 Hours]    [Total Marks : 50

Note : Attempt all questions.


1 Attempt any four of the following :    4x4=16

(a)    How can you classify organizations in terms of :

(i)    their objectives

(ii)    ownership.

(b)    Outline a model of the determinants of individual behaviour in organizations. Briefly describe and justify the model.

(c)    What are some of the factors influencing a persons perceptions of what the organization expects of him or her?

(d)    Describe a few personality characteristics and discuss their relevance to individual behaviour in organization.

(e)    Discuss some of the organizational system and resources that have an impact on the behaviour of members in Indian organizations.

(1) What are the similarities and differences between a manager and an entrepreneur?

Answer any four of the following :    4x4=16

(a)    What are need based theories of motivation? Describe any one need based theory.

(b)    What are behavioural theories of leadership? Describe any one of them.

(c)    What is meant by the term communication?

What are the four stages of the communication process?

(d)    What is meant by active listening? What are some strategies that managers can use to improve their listening?

(e)    Define the term work group. What are the potential strengths and weaknesses of a group?

(f)    What do you understand by self-fulfilling prophecy. Explain with the help of examples.


Attempt any two of the following :    6x2=12

(a)    What are the various factors that determine the structure of an organization?

(b)    What is a functional structure? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a functional structure?

(c)    What are the various sources of power used in an organization? Which of these sources are more prone to political activity? Why?

4 Read the following case carefully and answer 3x2=6 any two of the questions given at the end of the case :

Effie supervised eleven accounting clerks in the budget and planning department of a large computer manufacturer. None of the clerks had accounting degrees, but all were skilled in handling records and figures. They primarily prepared budgetary plans and analysis for operating departments. Data inputs were secured from the departments and from company records. Effie assigned projects to the clerks on the basis of their interests and skills. Some projects were more desirable than others because of prestige, challenge, the contacts required, or other factors; so there were occasional conflicts over which clerk was to receive a desirable project. One clerk who seemed specially sensitive and regularly complained about this issue was Sonia.

On one occasion Effie received a desirable project and assigned it to a clerk by the name of Joe.

Sonia was particularly distressed because she felt she should have had the assignment. She was so distressed that she retaliated by gathering up her present assignment and putting it away in her desk. Then she took a book from her desk and started reading it. Since all the clerks were together in the same office, most of them observed her actions. She announced to one in a voice loud enough to be heard by others, Nobody around here ever gives me a good assignment.

Effie overheard Sonias comment, and looked up from her desk, noting what was happening. Effie was angered, but she sat at her desk for 5 (five) minutes wondering what to do. Meanwhile Sonia continued reading her book.

Questions :

(a)    What are the factors that motivate Sonia? What are the two striking features of her personality?

(b)    What are the leadership issues raised in this case?

(c)    Use path-goal theory of leadership to identify the action that Effie should take.

(d)    How can use the contingency approach to leadership to analyze this problem?

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