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West Bengal Institute of Technology (WBIT) 2008 M.C.A 302 _Unix and Shell Programming - Question Paper

Thursday, 18 July 2013 06:00Web


'' JKJ i

GROUP - A (Multiple Choice Type Questions)

10 x 1 - 10




Time : 3 Hours ]

[ Full Marks : 70

1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following :

i)    Which command will show the Kernel version of Unix ?

a) Kernel    -    b) Kname

c) Uname    d) tty.

ii)    The command for deleting a directory which is not empty is

a) rmdir    b) rm - r

c) rm*    d) rm - rd.

iii)    How many options are there in this command ?

Is - lut chap 1 chap 2    .

a) 2    b) 0

c) 3    d) 1.

iv)    The & is used to

run it ip the background abort the process.

a) make the job run faster    b)

c) stop a job    d)

v)    When we are executing a shell script the shell acts as


none of these.

a) an interpreter    '    b) a compiler

c) an operating system d)

vl) Your shell script has a name Is. If you execute Is

a)    your script would get executed

b)    the Is command would get executed

c)    whether script is executed or command is executed depends upon the value of PATH    '

d)    both Is and the script would get executed one after another.    _

vii)    The shell metacharacter $# represents

a)    number of arguments supplied to the shell script

b)    total number of files in the current directory

c)    the number of users who have logged in


d)    total number of processes running in the background.    _

viii)    What output will this command sequence produce ?

Who | grep-c A$LOGNAME

. a) count the users logged in

b)    count of all users

c)    count of users using the same username as the user executing the command

d)    none of these. '    _

ix)    To append .c to a variable x, you have to use

a) echo $x.c    '    b) echo 'Sx.c

c) echo $ { x}. c    d) any of these.    _

x)    To move to the end of a line, you have to use

a) $    b) e

c) E    d) a    |

GROUP-B ( Short Answer Type Questions )

3 x 5 = 15

Answer any three of the following.

2.    Is it posible that two files have same i-node number ? Justify.

3.    What is a Zombie Process ? When does it occur ?

4.    What do the following shell parameters stand for ?

i) $# ' - ii) $ * iii) $@

iv) $ ?    V v) $ !.

5.    Is Unnix a multitasking OS ? Explain.

6.    What is race condition ? What is a critical section ?

GROUP -C ( Long Answer Type Questions )

Answer any three of the following questions.    3 x 15 = 45

7.    a) UNIX is a multitasking multiuser operating system. Explain.    3

b)    Describe the layered architecture of UNIX opeating system. What is its advantages ? '    4

c)    What are the characteristics of UNIX file system ?    3

d)    Describe different kinds of files in UNIX.    3

e)    What is a shell ?    2

8.    a) Explain the significance of file permissions for a directory.    3

b)    What is umask ? How can file permissions be defined with it ?    3


c)    Explain action arguments such as -exec, -ok, -print used with find command. 3

d)    What is a filter in UNIX?.

Which of the following are filters ?

date, pg, Is, grep.    3

e)    Write down the applications of chown and chgrp commands.    3

9,    a) What are the two types of processes in a UNIX system ?    2

b)    What is meant by the term swap space as applied to memory management ? 2

c)    Explain the use of following UNIX commands giving examples where necessary:    3

i)    ps

ii)    top

iii)    du.

d)    What is a daemon ?    2

e)    What is the advantage of executing a process in background ?    1

f)    How does nice command work in UNIX ?    3

g)'    What does the exit command do ?    2

10,    a) Write a shell script to rename all the files in the current directory that have

uppercase names to lowercase names.    5

b)    How can you use the value of a shell variable in a sed cojnmand ?    1

c)    Explain internal and external commands in UNIX.    2

d)    Write a shell script that shows you its name and its process id number.    4

e)    What is the difference between > and .    3

11,    a) Define subnet. ,    2

b)    What is the significance of loopback address ?    1

c)    Give the differences between grep, egrep and fgrep commands.    3

d)    What does grep AV do ? Is the \ really necessary ?    2

e)    A file contains examination records in the following format:

Name Subject! Subject2 subjects Subject4 Subject5

Write a script using awk to arrange the records according to the total marks of all subjects in the descending order.    7


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