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West Bengal Institute of Technology (WBIT) 2008 M.C.A E502B Windows Programming With VB ( ) - Question Paper

Thursday, 18 July 2013 04:10Web


CS/MCA/SEM-5/MCA-502B/0S/(09)    3




Time: 3 Hours 1    .    [ Full Marks: 70

GROUP - A (Multiple Choice Type Questions)

1. Choose the correct answer of the following :    10 x 1 * 10

1) Which control Is not visible in runtime ?

a) Text box    b) Slider

c) Timer    d) Combo box.

ii) User can enter data using the following function

a) Input Box    b) MSG box

c) Both of them    d) None of these.

, iii) By which control we can use both horizontal and vertical scroll bar ?

a) List Box    b) Combo box

c) Slider    d) Text box.    /

iv)    In Visual Basic, if data type of the variable is not declared, then by default it , takes

a) Integer    b) Double

c) Long    d) Variant.

v)    Visual Basic is a    '    /

a)    Fully Object Oriented Language

b)    Object Based Language

c)    Procedure Oriented Language

d)    None of these.    ~

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vi)    An MDI form should have

only one parent form at least one child form.

a) only one child form    "  b) c) both (a) and (b) d)

vii)    Which of the following control is treated as an editor in VB ?

a) Rich Taxt box control    b) Text box

c) List Box    , d) Slider.

viii)    A control containing a collection of Button objects is

a) Status Bar    b) Tool Bar c) Image List d) List View.

ix)    An Active X DLL is

b) Out-Of-Process Server d) None of these.

a) In-Process Server c) Both (a) & (b)

x)    The property returning the number of items in the list control is

a) List Index    b) List Count

c) Text    d)



( Short Answer Type Questions )

Answer any three of the following.    3x5= 15

2.    a) What do you mean py "Integrated Development Environment" ?    2

b) "Visual Basic provides us a complete set of tools to simplify Rapid Application Development ( RAD )". Justify.    3

3.    a) What do you mean by scope of a variable ? (    2

b) Distinguish between Module level and Procedure level variables. 3

4.    What is a record set ? Differentiate between Active X DLL & Active X EXE.

5.    . What is Dynamic Array ? In what situations is it used ? Explain with an example.

6.    How can you add the ADO control in your application ? What do you mean by

Connection String and Record Source in ADO data control ?

2 + 3

GROUP-C ( Long Answer Type Questions)

Answer any three questions.    3 x 15 = 45

7.    a) What is event driven programming ?    3

b)    What 4s menu structure ? How can we use menu in a window application ? 3 + 4

c)    How can we create a pop-up menu ?    3

d)    Distinguish between procedure and function.    2

8.    a)    Differentiate between Input Box and MSG Box.    3

b)    Write a program that inputs three different integers using Input Box function & prints the Sum, the Average, the Product, the smallest & largest of these numbers on the form,.    6

c)    Using Timer control in a form show the current time and date after it is being loaded.    6

9.    a) Write syntax for creating sequential files in VB. Also explain how to read the

content from an existing file.    7

b) Write a program in VB to test whether a number is a perfect number or not. 8

10.    a) What are the differences between ActiveX EXE and ActiveX DLL ?    5

b)    Differentiate between property Let property Get property Set procedures. 5

c)    Explain the differences between DDE and OLE.    5

11.    What is procedure ? How many types of procedures are there in Visual Basic ? What is the basic difference between them ? Write the steps to create and call a procedure in VB application. What is the difference between call by value and call by reference ?    2+1+2 + 6 + 4

12.    a) What is the purpose of menu editor ? How is menu .editor accessed ?    4

b)    What do you mean by API ?        .    1

c)    Write a windows API application to determine the position of the mouse when it is moved in the text boxes.    10


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