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West Bengal Institute of Technology (WBIT) 2009-2nd Sem B.Tech Electronics and Communications Engineering Electronics & Comm ( - ) Basic Computation & Principle of Computer Programming - Question Pape

Thursday, 18 July 2013 12:50Web

CS/ Tech/SEM-2/C3-201/09    3    S




Time : 3 Hours 1    I Full Marks : 70

GROUP-A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions )

1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following :    10x1 = 10

1) Which one of the following declaration is invalid ?

a) int 2A    b) int A2A

c) tntA2    d) int AA2.    f 1

il) Which one is the right output ? int x = 9 ; if (10)

printf("%d", ++x);


printf("%d", x++);

a) 9    b) 10

c) 11    d) 12.

iii) Which one is the ilght output ?

char aj 50 ) = "computer" ; printf("%d, strlen(a));

9    b) 10    .


CS/B.Tech/SEM-2/CS-201/09    4

iv) Which one is the right output ?

Meftne int char niainO

int i = 65;

printf("si-.eof(l)=%d", sizeof(i));

a) ,;izcof(i)=l

b) sizeof(i)=2 d) sizeof(i)=8.

c) sizcof(i)=4

v) Which one is the light output ? inainO

int i = 5, j - 6, z;

printf("%d", t + ++J);

b) 10 d) 13.

a) 12 c) 11

In Hexadecimal number system, E is equivalen t to the number in decimal


b) 12 d) 15.

a) 10

c) 14 2321 ( 11/06 jT|

vii) What is the range of unsigned short int ?

b) 0 to 255

n) 0 to 6553.1

d) none of these.

c) - 128 to 127

viii) Operating system is

b) System Software

a) Application Software

d) None of these.


ix) ALU is a part of

b) CPU d) Input device.

a) Memory

c) Output device

x) Member of xmion uses

a) different storage location b) same storage location


c) no storage location

d) none of these.

xi; V.'ltfit will be iiic value of i and m after executing the following code ?

int I ~ 1, m;

m = ( ++;

a) 6, 5 c) 5, 6


b) 5, 5 d) 6, 6.

GROUP - B    I, ( Short Answer Type Questions )

Answer any three of the following.    3x5-15

2.    a) Convert ( 17-25) 10 to Binary.    1

b)    What are 2's compliment numbers ? How do you use this system to peri m i ( 51 ) io - { 27 ) 10 in binaiy ?    i + 3

c)    What are the main differences between RAM & ROPvi ?    1

3.    a) What is ternary operator ? Explain with example.    2 + 1


b) Write down the difference between compiler and interpreter.    3

4.    a) Write down the main characteristics of algorithm.    2

b) Write a flowcnart to find the sum of the all integers ranging from 100 to 200 and divisible by both 2 and 3.    3

5.    Briefly describe the function of different components of5 a conventional digit J computer with a suitable block diagram.    5

6.    Write a C program to find out the G.C.D of two numbers.    5

GROUP -C ( Long Answer Type QuUous )

Answer any three of the following.    3x15 a 5

7.    a) Differentiate between do-while" and "while'1 statements with suitable examp'cs.

b)    . Differentiate between "break and "continue" statements with examples.    4

c)    Waat Is the difference between structure and union In C programra: ;g ? Supplement with examples,    4

d)    Explain recursion with an exanjple.    3

3. a) Write a C program to check whether a given nuAber is prime number or not. f

b)    Write a progran/. to compute factorial of a number read from keyboard.    4

c)    What are auto, external and static variables ? Explain their uses with, suitabl'.8 examples.    6

9.    a) Whai; is array of pointers ? Explain with example.    4 D) Explain call by value and call by reference with examples. a

c)    Write a progr am in 0 to find the reail roots of a quadratic equation using defined function Qusa.().    '

10.    a) Explain two iupui Exclusive OR gate using truth table.    2;

b) Why NAND gat e is called universal gate ?    2 /

cj Simplify'    .

( A + B ), ( a.C } -! ( A. B + A .C ) . ( ~A + D )    i

d)    Conv ere :

13 ( 2 AD ) 3 = ( ) r, iii ( 11100111101 }2 = ( ) 16 >  " : *


iii) ( 25-125 j 10 - i } 2.    .. . ...    .

321 ( 11/06 }


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