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West Bengal Institute of Technology (WBIT) 2011-8th Sem B.Tech Electrical Engineering Values

Wednesday, 17 July 2013 08:05Web



Time Allotted: three Hours Full Marks : 70

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are needed to provide answers in their own words as far as practicable.


(Multiple option kind Questions)

1. select the accurate options for any ten of the following: [10X1=10]

i) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been created by
a) British Parliament
b) U.S Congress
c) Indian Environmental Congress
d) Indian Parliament

ii) A contradiction of popular opinions about sustainable development is offered by …………. in the Economic case for sustainable development.
a) William Nitze b) A.C. Fernando c) Edward B. Miller d) Thomas D. W. Keller.

iii) CEQ stands for
a) Consortium for Environmental Quality
b) Council on Environmental Quality
c) Critical Environmental Quotient
d) Central Environmental Council.

iv) Perception and Enjoyment of Beauty comes under
a) Psychological values b) Aesthetic values
c) Moral Values d) societal values

v) Secularism comes under
a) Psychological values b) societal values
c) Moral values d) aesthetic values

vi) The road from Ahmedabad to Mumbai is presently known as
a) Golden Corridor
b) Industrial Excellence Corridor
c) Toxic Corridor
d) Success to Industrialization Corridor.

vii) ………. Is 1 of 1st major trade agreements to seriously integrate environmental concerns into trade considerations.

viii) Ethics of virtue comes under
a) Moral and ethical values
b) Aesthetic values
c) Societal values
d) Psychological values.

ix) According to …………. Principle, the decision is ethical if it provides the greater net utility than any other option decision.
a) Psychological decision egoism b) Utilitarianism c) Kantianism d) Social contract.

x) National Environment Policy was enacted in the year
a) 2002 b) 2003 c) 2004 d) 2005

xi) Whistle blowing is
a) Moral b) Obligatory c) Both of these d) None of these.

xii) Clarity comes under
a) Value crisis
b) Moral and ethical values
c) Aesthetic values
d) Societal values


(Short ans kind Questions)

ans any 3 of the subsequent. [3 X five =15]

2. Why is engineering a profession? Does an engineer require any values or ethics to perform his job?

3. State the meaning and scope of value spectrum of a good life?

4. How do you create awareness about the code of ethics provide example?

5. describe the concepts of eco-friendly technologies and eco-friendly products. How do you differentiate ranging from them?

6. What is sustainable development? State the main objectives of sustainable development.

Long ans kind Questions)

ans any 3 of the subsequent. [3 X 5=15]

7. What is pollution? State about various kinds of pollution. explain how environmental regulations help to control pollution? [2+5+8=15]

8. What is whistle blowing? Write down the kinds of whistle blowing? "External whistle blowing is not always actual." Justify with examples. [2+4+9=15]

9. describe the term "Corporate Social Responsibility." How can a company give support to the society through proper implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility? provide a few examples.

10. What is societal value? What do you mean by value crisis? explain the different levels where vale crisis is obtained in the contemporary society. How can these crisis be avoided ? [2+2+8+3=15]

11. White notes on any 2 of the following: [2 X 7.5=15]
a) Club of Rome
b) Ethical Dilemma
c) Aesthetic values
d) Human centered technology.

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