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West Bengal Institute of Technology (WBIT) 2011-5th Sem B.Tech Civil Engineering Birbhum institute of engineering and technology concrete technology of - Question Paper

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Birbhum Institute of Engineering St Technology First Class Test Department - Civil Engineering.

Semester - 5tli

Year-3rd Year'    Code- CE 502

Time-1 Hour    Full Marks :25

Group-A    v

(Multiple clioiccType Questions)

1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following (Any five)    10x1=5

i)    In terms of Oxide compostion, the minimum percentage of ingredient in the cement is that . of

(a) Lime (b) Magnesium Oxide    (c) Iron Oxide    (d) Alumina

ii)    To produce low heat cement, it is necessary to reduce the compound ;(a)C,S    (b) C S    (c)C,A    (d) C,AF_

iii)    If I* is (he standard consistency of cement, amount of water used in conducting the initial setting time test on eenient is

(a) 0.65 P    (b)0.85P    (c) 0.6P (d) 0.8P

iv)The    approximate cao composition (%) in O.RC is

(a) 63 on average (b) 20 on average    (e) 6 on average    (d) 3 on average

v)    An admixture that slows down the process of hydration of concrete to keep it plastic fora long period is called

(a) Relarder    (b) Accelerator    (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of these

vi)    As compared to OPC, use of pozzolanic cement

.... (a) reduccs workability    (b) Increases bleeding (c) Increases shrinkage (d) Increases strength

vii)    Portland cement is heavier than water by about    pr;. :

(a) 1.15 Times    (b)2.30Times    (c)3.85Times    (d) 3.15 Times

Group-B '    (Short Answer Type Questions):

(Answer any One question from the following)    1x5=5

What are the functions of the following oxides in ordinary portland cement and what are their contents? Cao, sio2, AI2Oj and Fc2o3 -JThe Oxide composition of O.P.C is as follows : Cao(50%), Sio2(15%), Al.oS0/.), Kcyj/.V/o), So3(2%). Find the percentage of C,S and C3A IS

Group - C (Long Answer Type Questions)

Answ er any One of the follow ing questions:- I X15=15 3. (0 a) Distinguish between accelerators and retardcrs. What type of materials is used as accelerators and retarders?

h) What is plasticizer? What materials and at whut dosage arc used as.plastldzcr? 1    2-

c) When arc super plastlelzcrs used? Discuss the materials that arc used as super plasticizcr?


vii) a) Define consistency of the cement and describe the procedure for determining the consistency of the cement.21 9     - ; :

10 Write the advantages & disadvantages of the fineness of cement. 'i %    10+5=15


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