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University of Mumbai 2008-2nd Sem B.E F.EComp ProgII - Question Paper

Sunday, 14 July 2013 05:50Web

First year semester two Computer programming II 2008
Please obtain the attachment.

Con. 3500-08.    CO-5185


(3 Hours)    [Total Marks : 100

N.B. (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

(2)    Attempt any four questions from remaining six questions.

(3)    Assumptions made should be clearly stated.

(4)    Answers to questions should be grouped and written together, i.e. all answers to sub questions of individual questions like Q1, Q2, Q3 etc. should be answered one below other.

(5)    All computer programs and program segment only in JAVA.

Explain Applets in JAVA in terms of the following :    10

   tyC. Creating an executable Applet

jtf). Designing a Web page which references an Applet Adding Applets to HTML File    x

(tf). Running the Applet    '    

The Basic Applet Life Cycle, init(), startQ, stop(), and destroyQ Write Object Oriented programs in JAVA to exemplify different types of visibility modifiers 10 namely

public protected Uf private

(iv) private protected J>n friendly (default)

2. (a) Write an object Oriented Program in JAVA that uses Euclids Algorithm to display the greatest 10 common divisor of two integers. The greatest common divisor of two numbers is the largest number that divides into both numbers. Here is how the algorithm works ?

(i)    Find the remainder after dividing the larger number by the smaller number, using the modulus operator.

(ii)    Change the larger number to the smaller number and change the smaller number to the remainder from step (i)

(iii)    Keep doing this until the remainder is zero

Incorporate member functions for data input, displaying the result, default constructor and constructors with two parameters. Also create objects to reference the member functions.

(b) Develop a JAVA program that determines the number of days in a given semester. Input 10 to the program is the year, month, and day information of the first and the last days of a semester. The program should accept the date information as a single string instead of accepting the year, month and day information separately. The input string must be in the MM/DD/YYYY format.

Write a JAVA program to compute the distances S fallen by an object in freefall.    10

The formula is

* *2

S = S0 + +y2* a*t:

Make a table of S for t = 1, 5,10, 15, 20 ...... 100.

Write an object oriented program to arrange the names of students in descending order 10 of their total marks, input data consists of student details such as name,, Marks of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry. Use array of objects.


y/ With the help,of suitable JAVA programs describe following : Over loading functions (ii)" Overriding functions MjWf Final methods and classes

Abstract methods and classes 'pf Finalize () method.

sC laTWrite detailed note on Exception handling in JAVA in terms of following .


finally keyword t) Catching multiple exceptions JbJbe throws keyword, Throwing Exception.

(b) With the help of suitable prartrSxplain Multithreaded in terms of


<4*Kureating threads, extending the thread class

(ii)    Stopping and blocking a thread

(iii)    Lifecycle of a thread.

(Interface Matrix

{ ... final static int M=5, N=5;//Matrix indices

void readMatrix();//Read a Matrix

void displayMatrix();//Display a Matrix

void addMatrixQ;// Add two Matrix

void multMatrix();//Multiplay twomatrix

void transposeMatrix()//Transpose of Matrix


implement the above interface using a suitable JAVA class program and also develop the main program.

7. Write notes on the following with the help of suitable program segments in JAVA

(a)    Vectors

(b)    Strings

(c)    Packages

(d)    Interfaces


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