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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2006 Post Graduate Diploma Journalism (Oriya) Foundation in English II - Question Paper

Friday, 12 July 2013 02:50Web

Foundation Course in English II

5.    Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions : (5)

In the year 2050, when the population_

the world will be five billions, atomic power will be

added _ the power derived _coal

and man will fly _ three times the speed


6.    Rewrite the following as directed :    (5)

(a)    Rewrite in Direct Speech :

(i)    Raju told Ramu that he was very busy

that day.

(ii)    Lakshmi asked Kala to help her.

(b)    Rewrite in Indirect Speech :

(i)    The teacher asked Lavanya, "Are you not attractive?"

(ii)    The shop-keeper said to Geetha, "Bring a bag to pack these things".

(iii)    Sailaesk said to Ram, "I love you".

7.    Write a letter to your father thanking him for the birthday gift he sent to you.    (10)


Second Year

(For candidates admitted in AY 2003-04, and CY 2004 only)


Time : 3 hours    Maximum marks : 75

1. Annotate any THREE of the following : (3 x 5 = 15)

(a)    For a modern American or Englishman, waiting is a psychological torture.

(i)    Why is the modern American or Englishman tortured?

(ii)    Explain the passage.

(b)    I have met several adolescent consumption snobs, who thought that it would be romantic to fade away in the flower of youth, like Keats or Marie Babhbirtsaff.

(i)    Who was Keats?

(ii)    Explain the passage.

(c)    Went thou not my brother, I would not take this head from thy throat tell this after had pulled out thy tongue from saying so.

(i)    Who speaks these words?

(ii)    Comment on the passage.

(d)    I overheard him and his practices.

This is no place; this house is but a butchery : Abhor it, fear it, do not enter it.

(i)    Who says those words to whom?

(ii)    Why does he say so?

(e)    I will weep for nothing, like Diana in the fountain and I will do that when you are disposed to be merry.

(i)    Who makes this comment?

(ii)    Give the meaning of the passage.

2. Answer any THREE in about 200 words each :

(3 x 10 = 30)

(a)    Examine Huxley's observations on travelling and travellers.

(b)    Summarise Huxley's views on the differences in the approach between science and literature.

(c)    Bring out Duke Frederick's character.

(d)    Consider 'As You Like It1 as a Romantic Comedy.

(e)    Write an essay on Henchard's relationship with Elizabeth Jane.

3.    Fill in the blanks with suitable articles :    (5)

When _ great man travelled he took

_chair with him so that he might never be

seen detached from_outward and_

visible sign of_authority of him.

4.    Choose the correct form of the pronoun given in brackets:    (5)

(a)    Must we pity _ for the absence

from the central heating room chairs? (they/them).

(b)    About the more private of _

experiences no such statements can be made (our/us).

(c)    When John Howard began _

investigations the only decent prisons in Europe were those of Amsterdam (he/has).

(d)    Epicurus never travelled except when _was banished (he/him).

(e)    The leisured rich at Monte Carlo are those,

_ have said, whose chief thoughts are love

and play (I/me).

3    UG-625


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