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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2006 Post Graduate Diploma Journalism (Oriya) BA English - Foundation in English I - UG 623 - BFEG 1 - Question Paper

Friday, 12 July 2013 02:40Web

It is not known exactly how man discovered the use of fire in early times. He must have seen forest fires, perhaps, started by lightning, and have learnt the terrible danger of fire. But how did he find out how to make it? The study of ancient history shows us that fire was carefully kept burning in some public building, so that people could light their own fires from it when necessary. But in most parts of the world it seems that men soon learnt to rub two pieces of wood together, or strike one stone against another, in order to light some dry, quick-burning material. Matches were not invented till the beginning of the nineteenth century, and in these days, when they are cheap and plentiful, it is easy to forget how difficult it must often have been to light a fire.

When we refer to fire as a bad master, we are thinking of the great amount of damage it can do when it gets out of control. Forest fires are feared by men and animals. They are very difficult to stop once they have started and may burn for days until, perhaps, rain falls and puts them out. It is a common custom, where forests cover mountain sides, to keep stretches of land free from trees so that, if a fire does break out, there will be less danger of its spreading.


(For candidates admitted in AY 2003-2004, CY - 2004, AY- 2004-05 and CY-2005)


Time : 3 hours    Maximum marks : 75

1. Annotate any THREE of the following :

(3x5 = 15)

(a)    Yet he was kind, or, if severe in aught The love he bore to learning was in fault;

(i)    Who is described in these lines?

(ii)    Why was he severe?

(b)    Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man

Down to a sunless sea

(i)    What is described here?

(ii)    Why is it referred to as measureless to


(c)    I saw pale Kings and Princes too,

Pale warriors, death-pale were they all:

(i)    Identify the speaker

(ii)    Explain these lines.

(d)    But this forbidden book lasted longer than all the rest, because it was forbidden.

(i)    Which book is referred to as this forbidden book?

(ii)    By whom and why was it forbidden?

(e)    A golden chain is as much as an iron one.

(i)    Who says these words?

(ii)    Explain the meaning of the passage.

2. Answer any THREE in about 200 words each :

(3 x 10 = 30)

(a)    Discuss the views of Gandhi on education. How far they relevant today.

(b)    ' Show how the attitudes of people change according to circumstances from your study of A devoted son.

(c)    Discuss Jonsons On Shakespeare as an


(d)    Trace the development of the thought in the poem Nutting.

(e)    Write an essay on the reflections on the psychology of patients and artists as revealed by

O. Henry in The Last Leaf.

Tin coo

3.    Fill in the blanks with suitable articles :    (5)

In India the coldness is practised in-

interest of - salutary peek order in

- upper strata of our society. It is

- demonstrative exhibition of kindliness,

accompanied by-good deal of sound.

4.    Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns : (5)

One of-said to me, -are

assuming that everyone has a good taste and

-will pass on to others. But a great many

know what-like, and-stick to


5.    Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions : (5)

It is now time-me-say

something-the last-my three

points. There is a characteristic Indian attitude -life in them.

6.    Write a precis of the following passage :    (15)

Fire has been called a good servant but a bad master. We use it for heating our homes, for cooking our food and in manufacturing all kinds of things. Without it, we certainly could not live as we do now. We should in many ways have to lead a life very much like that of animals.

3    UG - 623


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You are here: PAPER Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2006 Post Graduate Diploma Journalism (Oriya) BA English - Foundation in English I - UG 623 - BFEG 1 - Question Paper