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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2005 M.A Principles of Public Administration - Question Paper

Monday, 08 July 2013 08:15Web

M.A.DEGREE exam. (MPS-4 JAN-05)
January, 2005.
Time: three hours Maximum marks: 75.

PART A – (3X5=15)
ans any 3 ques. in about 500 words every.
All ques. carry equal marks.

1. explain the POSDCORB view of the scope of Public Administration.
2. Write a short note on Public Corporation.
3. How does the executive exercise its control over administration?
4. elaborate the merits of direct recruitment?
5. describe public Relations.

PART B – (4X15=60)
ans any 4 ques. in about 1, 500 words every.
All ques. carry equal marks.

6. elaborate the different approaches to the study of Public Administration?
7. explain the hierarchical principle of organization.
8. Examine the nature and functions of Independent Regulatory Commission.
9. “Administrative leadership is the 1st and foremost issue of management”. explain the
10.Explain the meaning, nature and scope of administrative legal regulations.
11.Critically examine the working of planning commission in India.
12.Explain the budget making procedure and its shortcomings.

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