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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2005 M.A Modern Political Theory - Question Paper

Monday, 08 July 2013 08:00Web

M.A. DEGREE exam. (MPS-1)
January, 2005.
Time: three hours Maximum marks: 75.

PART A – (3X5=15)
ans any 3 ques. in about 500 words every.
All ques. carry equal marks.

1. What is behaviouralism in Political Science?
2. discuss input functions of Almond.
3. Write a short note on group theory.
4. elaborate the general features of communication theory?
5. describe the concept of Political Development.

PART B – (4X15=60)
ans any 4 essays.

6. Trace the evolution of sovereignity and define the different types of sovereignity.
7. Examine the major traits of post behaviouralism.
8. describe political culture and discuss its influence in political process.
9. Analyse the meaning and importance of power and authority.
10.Discuss the meaning and nature of Political Elites.
11.Examine the different kinds of Game theory.
12.Define equality. discuss different types of equality.

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