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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2005 M.A PRINCIPLES OF NAGEMENT - Question Paper

Monday, 08 July 2013 07:20Web

Tamilnadu Open University

M.A DEGREE exam. (MPA-3 JAN05)
January, 2005.
Time: three hours
Maximum marks: 75.

PART A – (3X5=15)
ans any 3 ques. in about 500 words every.
All ques. carry equal marks.

1. Examine the evolution of Management theory.
2. define the policy making process.
3. How does planning can be made effective?
4. discuss the importance of performance appraisal in management.
5. What do you mean by ‘Self – Management’?

PART C – (4 X15=60)
ans any 4 ques. in about 1,500 words every.
All ques. carry equal marks.

6. Bring out the main features of the Scientific Management Movement.
7. Analyse the difference ranging from management in Government organizations and private Organizations.
8. describe Communication. discuss the principles and barriers of communication.
9. Write an essay on Management by objectives.
10.Assess the significance of management info system.
11.Bring out the importance of participating management.
12.Examine the role and importance of training in management development.

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