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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2009-2nd Year M.A Tamilnadu open university Economics nagerial Economics - Question Paper

Monday, 08 July 2013 12:45Web

M.A. DEGREE exam
JUNE 2009.
(AY 2005-06 batch onwards)
Second Year
Time : three hours Maximum marks : 75
PART A — (3 x five = 15 marks)
ans any 3 ques..

1. discuss the goals of the firm according to
managerial theories.

2. Distinguish ranging from laws of returns and returns to

3. elaborate the advantage of marginal cost pricing?

4. discuss the approaches to profit forecasting.

5. Write a note on capital budgeting principles.

PART B — (4 x 15 = 60 marks)
ans any 4 ques..

6. discuss the relation of managerial economics with
other subjects.

7. explain the different methods of forecasting demand.

8. What is price discrimination? discuss the conditions
necessary for it.

9. discuss how price and output are determined under
monopolistic competition.

10. What is ‘Break Even Analysis’? elaborate its
managerial uses?

11. Enumerate various factors that determine
advertisement budget.

12. explain the nexes ranging from macro economic policy
environment and business decisions.


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