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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2008 M.Sc Psychology HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND HEALTH - Question Paper

Monday, 08 July 2013 08:10Web

M.Sc. DEGREE exam – JUNE 2008.

(AY 2003-04 to CY 2005)

First Year



Time : three hours Maximum marks : 75

PART A — (3 × five = 15 marks)

ans any 3 ques..

every ans not to exceed one page.

1.Explain basic concepts of development. [MARKS 5]

2.Give a note on principles of development. [MARKS 5]

3.Mention Physical fitness and energy level of old age. [MARKS 5]

4.How does ‘self’ develop? [MARKS 5]

5.Explain the techniques used to decrease emotional issues of childhood. [MARKS 5]

PART B — (4 X 15 = 60 marks)

ans any 4 ques..

every ans not to exceed four pages. [MARKS 15]

6.Examine Physical modifications during old age. [MARKS 15]

7.Discuss the different stress coping strategies. [MARKS 15]

8.Write a note on meaning and purpose of life. [MARKS 15]

9.Explain the role of parents, peers and sibblings in Personality Development. [MARKS 15]

10.Elucidate the Psychometric approach? [MARKS 15]

11.Examine Experimental method of studying Human Development. [MARKS 15]

12.Describe Physical heath during Adulthood. [MARKS 15]

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